De Profundis
The large-format photographs in De Profundis deal with grief and our experience of loss. When matter disappears, the soul becomes free; the subject evaporates and becomes almost unrecognisable. The images create an undefined space that reflects on both inner and exterior states. The female body is seen in a process of dissolution, preserving its fragility and delicacy, as she soulfully looks at death and the possibility of its experience. While photography is a representation of external realities, an instrument of documenting the objective figures in our lives, it can also be used to glimpse into our most intimate and even spiritual condition. This charges the photographic image with sensitivity, allowing me to experiment with the photographic techniques in search of formal expressions for pain, silence, transience, and passage into another state. There is something unspoken and inexpressible in the photographs, as they tell of an elementary suffering.
Negative prints, 90 x 60 cm, 2007. One series acquired by The Tinguely Museum in Basel, Switzerland; the rest is sold out.